Monday, January 24, 2011


So in the past few day from I would say Thursday night to well I think its going to be the rest of this week, its snowed like CRAZY! Matt went out to do snow at 1 Friday morning, that's when I went to bed. I woke up and did a little bit around the house, it was still snow pretty good and I wasn't sure if I should go to town or not, well finally I decide if I'm going to go I better go now, there's a sunny break. I open the door and the snow drift is at the top of step. thinking about if I should really go, finally I get in and start backing up I get right to the end of my drive way and I sink into the feet and a half drift (That's yes I should have shoveled out.) So when I finally make it in to town, I go do the few things i had to do before I start trying to find Matt. Smart me forgot my cell phone at home so I had to use a pay phone. He say to meet him at the restaurant, when I get there I find them stopping for there first break and first thing to eat since they started and its 2 in the afternoon. So I decide to stay for dinner, later on finding out that will the rides are now closed. So I spent the rest of the time with Matt in the plow truck. We went til 6 then we heading over to his foreman's parents, because we were storm stayed. Had dinner stayed up for a bit then headed to bed, back up for 2 and on to the lot by 2:30. Did all that plowing and running around and called it quits by 9, got home and decided that we should move some wood for my grandparents. Finished that by 7 that evening and stayed at his parents. What a long day. So what's on for next weekend?

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